What is Power Membership?

ATD and local chapters like ours are separate but complementary organizations. You can join each one separately, or you can join both.  ATD Membership provides the tools you need for success. ATD Hawkeye Chapter Membership applies those tools to your organization and community. Together?  They make you a Power Member!

In short, join ATD if you want to attend national conferences, become CPTD-certified, or explore industry research. Join your local chapter (that's us!) if you want to become involved in your local learning community, share local best practices, and attend low-cost local professional development events.

For the best of both worlds, become an ATD Power Member!

When you join our chapter and ATD, you choose to be a knowledge leader in the talent development profession and a change maker in your own backyard. Joint membership offers learning professionals a unique opportunity to connect with local, national, and international professionals. Joint members can learn about trends in the field, and gain access to research, principles, practices, and templates they can apply directly to impacting organizational results, their community, and advancing their career.

Why Join?

The Association for Talent Development (ATD) is the world’s largest association dedicated to the talent development profession. ATD Members come from more than 120 countries and work in public and private organizations in every industry sector.

Through Power Membership you receive access to ATD’s industry leading content, career-advancing educational programs, and publications from the field’s leading authors and thought leaders. Review the chart below for a comprehensive list of member benefits!

How to Join?

  • To join the Hawkeye ATD Chapter only click on the blue box to access our online application.
  • To join both the Hawkeye Chapter and ATD National, click the gray box to be directed to the ATD store. 
  • Current members of the Hawkeye Chapter may add a National membership by clicking the green box and referencing our Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) code CH6101.

Save $$$ with Power Membership! When you join or renew BOTH a Chapter Membership and a National Membership at the same time:

  • Save $30 on your Professional Membership (normally $299) when purchased/renewed at the same time as your Hawkeye Chapter Membership ($75), for a total of $344.
  • Save $40 on your Professional PLUS Membership (normally $479) when purchased/renewed at the same time as your Hawkeye Chapter Membership ($75), for a total of $514.
Click the gray box to be directed to the ATD store to purchase or renew your Power Membership.

Join Hawkeye ATD Chapter Only

Online Application

Join Hawkeye ATD Chapter & ATD National

Click Here

Add National membership to  Hawkeye ATD membership (CH6101)

Click Here

Choose Your ATD Membership

There are two levels of ATD Membership - Professional and Professional Plus.  Check out this chart to see which ATD Membership level is right for you:

ATD Hawkeye Chapter
P.O. Box 10847
 Rapids, IA 52410-0847


© 2025 ATD Hawkeye Chapter

When registering or ordering at ATD, remember to enter our chapter ChIP Code: CH6101

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